聲明 Declaration

  1. 我們(參賽者及其監護人)已詳細閱讀並清楚明白比賽細則及條文,同時亦願意接受及遵守所有比賽規則。
    We (both contestant and guardian) have read and fully understand the Rules and Regulations of this competition and accept and are willing to follow all the Rules and Regulations, and assure that all enclosed information is true.
  2. 我們(參賽者及其監護人)明白所繳交之報名費在任何情況下將不獲退還或轉讓予他人,同時亦願意接受及遵守此規定。
    We (both contestant and guardian) accept and understand that the submitted entry fee is neither refundable nor transferable under any circumstances.
  3. 我們(參賽者及其監護人)清楚知悉及同意主辦單位有權將比賽過程拍照及攝錄,以作宣傳。
    We (both contestant and guardian) are clear and agree that the Organizer reserve the right to conduct all audio and visual recordings of the competition for promotion.
  4. 我們(參賽者及其監護人)明白若成為優勝參賽者必須義務參與與本比賽有關的活動,否則將被取消所得獎項及名次。
    We (both contestant and guardian) are clear that all contestants may be required to take part in all activities related to the competition. Failure to do so may be disqualified.
  5. 我們(參賽者及其監護人)明白主辦單位有權修改比賽規則、獎品內容及評審團成員,如有任何變更,恕不另行通知。
    We (both contestant and guardian) are clear that rules, regulations, awards and judging panel are subject to change without prior notice.
  6. 我們(參賽者及其監護人)同意遵守比賽之各項規定,並保證報名表上所填寫之一切資料屬實。
    We (both contestant and guardian) agree to follow all rules and regulations of the competition and assure that all disclosed information is true.
  7. 倘有任何爭議,主辦機構保留最終決定權,任何人不得異議。
    The organizer reserves the final decision right for any controversial issue
  8. 所有比賽會收取的個人資料是供參加香港國際青少年表演藝術節之用,資料將予保密。然而,賽會亦保留其權利,可將比賽或得賽者資料用於與本比賽有關的推廣活動,包括但不限於刊物、新聞發佈及網站上。
    The competition committee solicits personal data from applicants in order to facilitate the processing of “Hong Kong International Youth Performance Art Festival” purpose, data collected will be kept in confidential. The competition committee reserves the right to disclose personal data for the purposes of promoting activities of this competition related matters, including, but not in any way limited to: journals, press releases and website. 
  9. 若參賽者不完全提供個人資料或所提供的資料不準確,本賽會保留不受理該等參加的權利。
    The competition committee reserves the right not to process such applications in the event that the personal data is either incomplete or inaccurate.
  10. 賽會將保留你的比賽資料作處理,直至比賽決賽三個月之後,如有任何獎項或證書遺失,或未領回,將全部報銷。
    The competition committee will keep your personal details for three months after the final stage of competition for service purposes. After which it will be deleted from our records. 
  11. 中、英文兩個版本有任何抵觸或不相符之處,應以中文版本為準。
    If there is any inconsistency between the English version and Chinese version, the Chinese version shall prevail.