香港著名男高音 - 梁路安
梁路安畢業於香港演藝學院聲樂系,師隨龔冬健、江樺。梁氏取得音樂榮譽學士後,考獲香港演藝學院協會之獎學金,入讀訪問生課程。畢業後曾與不同音樂團體合作演出,如‘非凡美樂’的《杜蘭朵》、《遊唱詩人》、《羅蜜歐與朱麗葉》、《弄臣》、《茶花女》、《小丑》、《波希米亞人》; ‘香港歌劇院’的《莎樂美》; ‘香港巴赫合唱團’的《貝多芬: 莊嚴彌撒曲》; ‘節日合唱團’的《莫扎特安魂曲》、《以色列人在埃及》。除演唱外,梁氏亦熱哀於推廣合唱活動及本地音樂發展,在2011年修畢浸會大學音樂碩士課程 (主修合唱指揮),及後獲邀擔任 ‘香港巴赫合唱團’的聲樂指導 、‘香港歌劇院兒童合唱團’之聲樂主任及指揮、 ‘香港童聲合唱團’指揮及香港新城電台 ‘歌聲藝影’之節目主持。
Christopher Leung Lo On graduated from The Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts and studied under Mr. Gong Dongjian and Ms. Ella Kiang, majored in vocal studies. After acquiring Bachelor of Music Leung was offered ‘Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts Society Scholarship’ as a visiting student at the Academy. Leung had worked with and staged for various music productions after graduation, including Turandot, Il Trovatore. Romeo and Juliet, Rigoletto, La Traviata, I Pagliacci and LaBoheme with Musica Viva; Salome with Opera Hong Kong; Missa solemnis with The Hong Kong Bach Choir ;Mozart Requiem and Israel In Egypt with Die Konzertisten. Despite of singing performance, Leung also has a passion in promoting choral education and activities. After obtaining his Master of Music degree in choral conducting from the Hong Kong Baptist University in 2011, he was invited to coach The HK Bach Choir, Opera Hong Kong Children Chorus and Hong Kong Treble Choir; he was the program host of ‘ Bel Canto Singing’ of Metro Broadcast.